South Carolina Eminent Domain Lawyers
Takings: “The government’s actual or effective acquisition of private property either by ousting the owner or by destroying the property or severely impairing its utility.”
– Black’s Law Dictionary.
Landowners are regularly confronted with a variety of questions and uncertainties when they learn the government is threatening to take their property. We created SC Takings as a resource to help Landowners navigate these challenging circumstances.
Public projects often last for years—extending from the initial identification of a public need, through project study, public involvement, design, right-of-way acquisition, and ultimately construction. Expected impacts to private property owners can change throughout this time. Because these are public projects, Landowners can remain informed, attend public hearings, receive project updates, and express concerns to the governmental entity before plans and designs are finalized.
When impacts to your property cannot be avoided, your concerns are ignored, or the government is simply not recognizing the value of your property, we are here to help guide you through the taking process and uphold your constitutional right to just compensation. We hope our resources are helpful in your journey. No two properties, and thus no two takings, are the same. You can contact us at any time to discuss your unique situation. We are available to offer guidance and support when you need it.
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